


Machine Learning and Causal Inference Susan Athey, Stanford University and NBER About this author at RePEc

Summer Institute 2015 Methods Lecture: Unsupervised Learning: Applications to Networks and Text Mining 夏季研究所2015年方法讲座: 非监督式学习: 应用于网络和文本挖掘

Summer Institute 2015 Methods Lectures: Machine Learning for Economists 暑期研究所2015年方法讲座: 经济学家的机器学习

Summer Institute 2015 Methods Lecture: Introduction to Supervised ML Concepts and Algorithms 2015年夏季学院方法讲座: 有监督的机器学习概念和算法简介

Summer Institute 2015 Methods Lecture: Prediction, Classification, and Applications

Network Models 暑期学院2014方法讲座: 网络模型的理论与应用https://www.nber.org/people/matthew_jackson)

Summer Institute 2014 Methods Lecture: Networks: Games over Networks and Peer Effects 夏季研究所2014年方法讲座: 网络: 网络上的游戏和对等效应

Summer Institute 2014 Methods Lecture: Networks: Propagation of Shocks over Economic Networks 夏季研究所2014年方法讲座: 网络: 冲击在经济网络上的传播

Summer Institute 2014 Methods Lecture: Social and Economic Networks: Background 2014年夏季研究所方法讲座: 社会和经济网络: 背景

Summer Institute 2014 Methods Lecture: Diffusion, Identification, Network Formation 夏季学院2014年方法讲座: 扩散,识别,网络形成

Summer Institute 2014 Methods Lectures: Theory and Application of Network Models 暑期学院2014方法讲座: 网络模型的理论与应用

Summer Institute 2013 Methods Lecture: Applications: Using Text as Data 暑期学院2013年方法讲座: 应用: 使用文本作为数据

因果推断Causal Inference,中英文字幕https://www.bradyneal.com/causal-inference-course

Introduction to Causal Inference

Fall 2020

You’ve found the online causal inference course page. Although, the course text is written from a machine learning perspective, this course is meant to be for anyone with the necessary prerequisites who is interested in learning the basics of causality. I do my best to integrate insights from the many different fields that utilize causal inference such as epidemiology, economics, political science, machine learning, etc. You can see the tentative course schedule below.

You can join the course Slack workspace where you can easily start discussions with other people who are interested in causal inference. For information about office hours, see the office hours section below. If you’re interested in leading a reading group discussion, check out the suggested reading group papers to see if one piques your interest. When emailing me about this course, please include “[Causal Course]” at the beginning of your email subject to help make sure I see your email. If you want to receive course updates, sign up for the course mailing list. The main textbook we’ll use for this course is Introduction to Causal Inference (ICI), which is a book draft that I’ll continually update throughout this course.

Course Schedule (tentative)

Note about slides: they currently don’t work well with Adobe Acrobat, though they seem to work with other PDF viewers.

Week Topics Lecture Readings Reading Group Paper
August 31 Motivation Course Preview Course Information Video Slides Info Chapter 1 of ICI None
September 7 Potential Outcomes A Complete Example with Estimation Video Slides Chapter 2 of ICI Does obesity shorten life? The importance of well-defined interventions to answer causal questions (Hernán & Taubman, 2008)
September 14 Graphical Models Video Slides Chapter 3 of ICI Does Obesity Shorten Life? Or is it the Soda? On Non-manipulable Causes (Pearl, 2018)
September 21 Backdoor Adjustment Structural Causal Models Video Slides Chapter 4 of ICI Single World Intervention Graphs: A Primer (Richardson & Robins, 2013)
September 28 Randomized Experiments Frontdoor Adjustment do-calculus Graph-Based Identification Video Slides Chapters 5-6 of ICI On Pearl’s Hierarchy and the Foundations of Causal Inference (Bareinboim et al., 2020)
October 5 Estimation Susan Athey Guest Talk - Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects (Oct 8th at 3 - 4 pm EDT) Video Slides Guest Talk Chapter 7 of ICI Adapting Neural Networks for the Estimation of Treatment Effects (Shi, Blei, Veitch, 2019)
October 12 Unobserved Confounding, Bounds, and Sensitivity Analysis Video Slides Chapter 8 of ICI Sense and Sensitivity Analysis: Simple Post-Hoc Analysis of Bias Due to Unobserved Confounding (Veitch & Zaveri, 2020)
October 19 Instrumental Variables Video Slides Chapter 9 of ICI Deep IV: A Flexible Approach for Counterfactual Prediction (Hartford et al., 2017)
October 26 Difference-in-Differences Alberto Abadie Guest Talk - Synthetic Control (Oct 29th at 10 - 11 am EDT) Video Slides Guest Talk Chapter 10 of ICI Regression Discontinuity Designs in Economics (Lee & Lemieux, 2010)
November 2 —- Break Week - No Lecture —- None Past Readings None
November 9 Causal Discovery from Observational Data Jonas Peters Guest Talk (November 13 at 10 am EST) Video Slides Chapter 11 of ICI Inferring causation from time series in Earth system sciences (Runge et al., 2019)
November 16 Causal Discovery from Interventions Video Slides Chapter 12 of ICI (Coming soon) Permutation-based Causal Inference Algorithms with Interventions (Wang et al., 2017)
November 23 Transfer Learning Transportability Video Slides Chapter 13 of ICI (Coming soon) A causal framework for distribution generalization (Christiansen et al., 2020)
November 30 Yoshua Bengio Guest Talk - Causal Representation Learning (Dec 1st at 1 - 2:30 pm EST) Guest Talk Slides None Invariant Risk Minimization (Arjovsky et al., 2019)
December 7 Counterfactuals Mediation Video Slides Chapter 14 of ICI (Coming soon) Identifiability of Path-Specific Effects (Avin, Shpitser, & Pearl, 2005)

Potential Reading Group Papers by Week

We will have a small weekly reading group that runs in parallel to the course. Before any given week’s reading group meeting, 1-3 people will have read the week’s paper in detail and already thought about discussion topics. These 1-3 people will then lead a discussion of a small number of people who have all made themselves familiar with the paper. The discussion group will be kept small (at most 15) in order to facilitate quality discussion. You can ensure that you have a place in the discussion group every week you’d like by signing up to be a discussion leader for at least one week. Below, I give a list of potential reading group papers, organized by week/topic, just like the course schedule is. You can email me at bradyneal11@gmail.com to let me know that you’d like to lead a certain week’s discussion, which paper(s) you’re considering, or to discuss other papers you’d like to discuss that are not on the list.

  1. Motivation and Preview - No reading group

  2. Potential Outcomes

  3. Graphical Models and SCMs

  4. Randomized Experiments, Frontdoor Adjustment, and



  1. Estimation and Conditional Average Treatment Effects

  2. Sensitivity Analysis

  3. Instrumental Variables, Regression Discontinuity, Difference-in-Differences, and Synthetic Control

  4. BREAK

  5. Causal Discovery without Experiments

  6. Causal Discovery with Experiments

  7. Transportability and Transfer Learning

  8. Counterfactuals, Mediation, and Path-Specific Effects

  9. TBD - Overflow Week

  10. Causal Representation Learning

Summer Institute 2021 Methods Lectures: Causal Inference Using Synthetic Controls and Regression Discontinuity Designs

Causal inference James M. Robins 因果推断学习分享

Causal Inference Book

Jamie Robins and I have written a book that provides a cohesive presentation of concepts of, and methods for, causal inference. Much of this material is currently scattered across journals in several disciplines or confined to technical articles. We expect that the book will be of interest to anyone interested in causal inference, e.g., epidemiologists, statisticians, psychologists, economists, sociologists, political scientists, computer scientists… The book is divided in 3 parts of increasing difficulty: causal inference without models, causal inference with models, and causal inference from complex longitudinal data.

To cite the book, please use “Hernán MA, Robins JM (2020). Causal Inference: What If. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC.”

This book is only available online through this page. A print version (for purchase) is expected to become available some time in the future. The exact time, when known, will be announced here. The components of the book can be accessed by clicking on the links below:

Warning: At this stage, we may still revise and correct errors without documenting the changes. Please make sure you use the most updated version of the book posted here.

Summer Institute 2011 Methods Lecture: Applications: Indeterminacy and Sunspots 夏季研究所2011年方法讲座: 应用: 不确定性和太阳黑子

Summer Institute 2011 Methods Lecture: Dynare Exercise 夏季学院2011年方法讲座: 动态运动

Summer Institute 2011 Methods Lecture: Projection Methods

Summer Institute 2011 Methods Lecture: Models with Heterogeneous Agents

Summer Institute 2011 Methods Lectures: Computational Tools & Macroeconomic Applications 2011年夏季学院方法讲座: 计算工具和宏观经济应用

Summer Institute 2011 Methods Lecture: Introduction: Perturbation and projection methods for solving DSGE models 夏季研究所2011年方法讲座: 介绍: 解决 DSGE 模型的摄动和投影方法

Summer Institute 2011 Methods Lecture: Financial Frictions Under Asymmetric Information and Costly State Verification 夏季学院2011年方法讲座: 信息不对称和昂贵的国家核查下的金融摩擦

Summer Institute 2011 Methods Lecture: Why Non Linear/Non-Gausian DSGE Models? Recursive preferences, stochastic volatility, large shocks 夏季研究所2011年方法讲座: 为什么非线性/非高斯 DSGE 模型? 递归偏好,volatility model,大冲击

Summer Institute 2011 Methods Lecture: Perturbation Methods 夏季研究所2011年方法讲座: 摄动法

Summer Institute 2008 Methods Lecture: The Kalman filter, Nonlinear filtering, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo 2008年夏季研究所方法讲座: 卡尔曼滤波,非线性滤波和马尔科夫蒙特卡洛

Summer Institute 2008 Methods Lecture: Specification and estimation of models with stochastic time variation 夏季研究所2008年方法讲座: 随机时间变化模型的规格和估计

Summer Institute 2008 Methods Lecture: Recent Developments in Structural VAR Modeling 夏季研究所2008年方法讲座: 结构 VAR 模型的最新进展

Summer Institute 2008 Methods Lecture: Econometrics of DSGE Models 2008年夏季研究所方法讲座: DSGE 模型的计量经济学

Summer Institute 2008 Methods Lectures: What’s New in Econometrics: Time Series 暑期研究所2008年方法讲座: 计量经济学的新进展: 时间序列

Summer Institute 2010 Methods Lecture: GMM and Consumption-Based Asset Pricing Models 夏季研究所2010年方法讲座: 广义矩和基于消费的资产定价模型

Summer Institute 2010 Methods Lecture: Linear Factor Models and Event Studies 暑期学院2010年方法讲座: 线性因素模型和事件研究

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Linear Panel Data Models 夏季学院2007年方法讲座: 线性面板数据模型

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Regression Discontinuity Designs 夏季研究所2007年方法讲座: 回归间断设计

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Estimation of Average Treatment Effects Under Unconfoundedness 夏季研究所2007年方法讲座: 平均治疗效果估计在不混淆

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Instrumental Variables with Treatment Effect Heterogeneity: Local Average Treatment Effects 暑期研究所2007年方法讲座: 治疗效果异质性的工具变量: 局部平均治疗效果

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Control Function and Related Methods 暑期学院2007方法讲座: 控制作用及相关方法

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Bayesian Inference 2007年夏季学院方法讲座: 贝叶斯推断

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Cluster and Stratified Sampling 2007年夏季研究所方法讲座: 集群和分层抽样

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Partial Identification 暑期学院2007方法讲座: 部分鉴定

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Difference-in-Differences Estimation 夏季学院2007年方法讲座: 差异中的差异估计

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Discrete Choice Models 夏季学院2007年方法讲座: 离散选择模型

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Missing Data 2007年夏季研究所方法讲座: 缺失数据

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Weak Instruments and Many Instruments 暑期学院2007方法讲座: 弱仪器和多种仪器

Summer Institute 2007 Methods Lecture: Quantile Methods 夏季研究所2007方法讲座: 分位数方法



文章作者: 夏汉林
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 夏汉林 !